Empowering Latino Entrepreneurs with Culturally Relevant Solutions;
a 501 (c3) Educational Charity
Empowering Latino Entrepreneurs with Culturally Relevant Solutions;
a 501 (c3) Educational Charity
The Award Winning Latino Entrepreneurial Network of Southeastern Wisconsin, Inc., (LEN), provides services and educational programs for individuals and business owners in the Wisconsin community. LEN's focus is on youth programs and English as Second Language (ESL) entrepreneurial programs, educating low income and underserved individuals on numerous business topics.
Act with Integrity
Maintain High Ethics
Share Knowledge
Invest in Our Community
Maintain and Foster Professionalism
LEN was founded by Nelson Soler, Cuautemoc Rodriguez, Barbara Guzman, Christopher Castillo, Debra O'Neil, Marina Garza Croft and Araceli Garcia on November of 2005 as an Alumni Association of the UWM Hispanic Entrepreneurial Center. On 2007, LEN became independent and was chartered as a 501c3 Educational Charity.
2010 US Small Hispanic Cha
LEN was founded by Nelson Soler, Cuautemoc Rodriguez, Barbara Guzman, Christopher Castillo, Debra O'Neil, Marina Garza Croft and Araceli Garcia on November of 2005 as an Alumni Association of the UWM Hispanic Entrepreneurial Center. On 2007, LEN became independent and was chartered as a 501c3 Educational Charity.
2010 US Small Hispanic Chamber of Commerce by USHCC
2012 US Medium Hispanic Chamber of Commerce by USHCC
Our mission is to promote entrepreneurial awareness and education through bilingual coaching, professional development and networking.
Learn essential strategies for maximizing deductions, minimizing tax liabilities, and filling your taxes with confidence
6 seminars aimed to evaluate and create strategies in your business in the following areas: Leadership, Digital Marketing and Finance
5 seminars to help you prepare for your entrepreneurial journey where you will learn the essentials to start your own business
Discover how LEN has provided the support and opportunities Dulce Sierra needed to take their businesses to the next level. Their journey could be yours—watch and get inspired!
Building a business is easier when you have the right network. In this video, hear from Juan Sandoval who has experienced firsthand the benefits of connecting with the Latino Entrepreneurial Network (LEN).
From valuable resources to new opportunities, see how LEN has helped him grow and thrive. Watch now and get inspired to take your business to the next level!
What difference does LEN make? Listen to Dora Martinez shares how connecting with this incredible network has helped them achieve their goals and overcome difficult times. Your success story starts here!
Strong businesses are built on strong connections! Watch how Cynthia Franzolin shares that being part of the Latino Entrepreneurial Network (LEN) has given them access to essential tools, guidance, and community support.
Workshops are intended to raise the level of financial literacy in our community. Our primary goal is to address topics related to building individual economic wealth.
All of our monthly meetings have a strategic networking component. We believe that for individuals and entrepreneurs to grow, they need to develop relationships. We do this in a very informal, yet structured, manner while we enjoy learning from each other and expert speakers. Meetings take place the third Thursday of the month at different locations. The meetings are open to all individuals or organizations interested in the topics presented. Meetings cost
non-members $10.00 for refreshments and materials, while members' meeting fees are covered in yearly dues of $50.00.
This 8-week program prepares established entrepreneurs poised to growth with financing or investing opportunities. The program has three elements: 6 week strategic training, bilingual business coaching and business growth plan articulation to a group of lenders or investors. 85% of the graduates of this program have secure some type of financing after successful program completion. The program is partly funded by the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation and the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.
Este programa de 8 semanas prepara a empresarios establecidos listos para crecer
con financiamiento o oportunidades de inversión. El programa tiene tres elementos: entrenamiento de estratégica de 6 semanas, coaching empresarial bilingüe y
articulación del plan de crecimiento empresarial a un grupo de prestamistas o
inversionistas. El 85% de los graduados de este programa han obtenido algún tipo de financiamiento después de completar con éxito el programa. Este programa está parcialmente financiado por la Corporación de Desarrollo Económico de Wisconsin y el Banco Imperial Canadiense de Comercio.
We are a network of bilingual service professionals, and micro-enterprises, that through strategic alliances and coaching relations, extend each other access to marketing, real estate, advertising, accounting, tax preparation and consulting services.
Somos una red de profesionales bilingües de servicios y microempresas, que a través
de alianzas estratégicas y relaciones de coaching, se amplían mutuamente el acceso a servicios de mercadeo, bienes raíces, publicidad, contabilidad, preparación de impuestos
y consultoría.
LEN has partnered with the Latino Chamber of Commerce of Southeastern Wisconsin to offer technical assistance in Cash Flow Management and in Business Continuation Strategies.
LEN se ha asociado con la Cámara de Comercio Latina del Sudeste de Wisconsin para ofrecer asistencia técnica en la gestión del flujo y en las estrategias de continuación del negocio.
This kit includes a to do list for families at risk of spearation, constitutional rights cards, and power of attorney forms for property and finance as well as delegation of parental power.
Este kit incluye una lista de tareas para familias en riesgo de separación, tarjetas de derechos constitucionales y formularios de poder notarial para bienes y finanzas, así como la delegación de poder parental.
A nonprofit is as strong as the community that holds it up. Together, we can do more than we can do alone. Let's bring our abilities and passions together to affect real change.
There are many ways to join us and support our mission. Contact us to find out more about volunteer opportunities, fundraising events, and ways that you can get our message to your friends and family.
3419 West Forest Home Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53215, United States
Sign up to hear from us about specials, sales, and events.